great read, fatal. i, too, took a long time off from bijou and now am trying to get started on cypion. i'm doing well but i'm curious, where on earth did you find a market for apples?
there's a market for almost anything, especially farmables just because most people would rather spend their time doing anything OTHER than farming herbs, wood, mushies, ores...
re: apples specifically...
from levels 1-100, u need 26 apples for quests... doesn't seem like much, but there's still a way to take advantage of this.
some quests require 3, some 5, one even requires 8. Between level 67 and 70, u need half of those apples, 13.
The level 67 Sparkdog Horn Tea Quest requires 5 apples, and as anyone who has done that quest knows, the horns don't drop that often... maybe 1/10 or about 10% of the Sparkdog's will drop that horn for u. There are only about 8-10 Sparkdogs in CP1 (and only maybe 4-5 in that ratman knight room), and u have to fight your way through twice that amount of Ratman Knights along the way and between the Sparkdog spawns. So after spending probably an hour or so getting those 10 Sparkdog Horns u need, do you really want to spend more time looking for apples with an almost equally bad drop rate? i think not.
Then at level 70, there those apples are again. But now you need 8! And guess what, u need horns again, and this time it's even worse. With that last quest fresh in your mind, u're going to do what u can to complete this quest ASAP. The drop rate on the Giant Sparkdog drops to about 5% or 1/20. And instead of Ratman Knights, u have Gold Jewelkeepers to mess around with. So now u've spent 2 hours trying to get these drops from the Giant Sparkdogs, you're not going to waste your time farming wood for apples.
These are my customers.