Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hmm.. what to do next?

Since Project: Tank is coming to a close, I alerady did 5 successful tank runs last night (video and notes forthcoming) of King Kong Phino (which isn't challenging at all), it's time to figure out what project I want to tackle next. Here is a list of considerations, in no particular order along with my thoughts:

Cap Faytal (SharpShooter) - Faytal is currently 107 with about 12% EXP gain towards 108. I don't really have a whole lot of incentive to start the mindless kiting again, other than finally wearing my 108 shirt to match my Malephar armors. There are no new skills to really look forward to, SharpShooters don't suddenly become PvP machines, and I just don't feel like all that kiting... Did I mention I don't wanna kite? Activating SparkCash stuff on my SharpShooter is going to be strictly for soloing. I won't be invited to run Secret Lab at all because and Archer is more of a hindrance in there than any other class. Chance this will happen: 10%.

Level up FatalLace (Warlock) - FatalLace is 105 with about 25% EXP gain towards 106. I recently bought a nice Storas Wand (105 Lab) that was already +6 enhanced. I sold my Hellgait, so I'd want to finish enhancing this before starting up again. Of course my failures at enhancing are the stuff of legend. I do have three unused T5 Ultra Bundles sitting in premium inventory, but only one T5 Xir. I could start accumulating dusts again... but do I really want to level up? The biggest thing about sticking at 105 is that I can still do Leviathan's Nest if I choose to. Hit 106 and I no longer have that option. I could focus on farming Lab, but that gets pricey.  I don't use gifters so everything is completely out-of-pocket.  Also finding 2 hour blocks to dedicate time can sometimes be really difficult for me.  Chance this will happen: 20%.

Level up WinterLace (Fighter) to prestige - WinterLace is 90 with about 93% EXP gain towards 91. She's about two Dragon's Tomb runs away from 91. I don't have a prestiged Fighter class, so this might be what I end up doing. I just really need to do that 91-96 grind out of the way. Only problem is that I really don't want to go the "LF Snake PT" route. I could solo my way there, but I don't know if I can keep up the motivation over those five levels until I hit Mimics. Maybe 10x Abyss is a possibility, I'd have to see how she fares with her current armor. I may have to end up charming in there. Chance this will happen: 40%.

Level up Dharalyn (Mage - Wizard) to prestige -Dharalyn is 90 with about 15% EXP gain towards 91. I could continue to run her through DT until 91 saving on SparkCash, but I know I'll miss DT. Same with WinterLace, but maybe not as much. Keeping Dharalyn @ 90 also helps me should I want to run DT with my Trickster since they are on separate accounts. That whole "PT AOE" scene doesn't appeal to me at all after I hit 91 either. I'd love to have a Wizard though, but maybe I don't love it that much? Chance this will happen: 15%.

Run DaydreamBeliever (Trickster) through Dragon's Tomb - DaydreamBeliever is 80 with only about 15% EXP gain towards 81. She's still kind of a nub, has yet to experience Dragon's Tomb. I don't know if I'm "over" the Trickster class, but picking it up and playing the occasional Gordon KQ hasn't been all that appealing. If there were zero chance of getting a 70 blue weapon out of Gordon, I probably wouldn't bother. Chance this will happen: 15%.

Level up AutumnsVeil (HolyKnight) - HAHAHAAHAHA..... Chance this will happen: 0%.

Mini-projects still in the works:
Dragon's Tomb - Archer
Project: Tank (Mara, Gold Hill, Robo KQ)


  1. Well, you can think of a makeover for winterlace, a new name for dharalyn, a new image for faytal, and make autumnveil fat again

  2. I feel so sorry for your cleric ^^

  3. Level up AutumnsVeil (HolyKnight) - HAHAHAAHAHA..... Chance this will happen: 0%.
    What stormy said so i can stop hitting on her ;c or......... you should change that 0% to 100% <3 cuz you know clerics are total pro's...... don't ask me why i'm on here btw, you know how hard it is to not stalk you on fiesta.

  4. Quit Fiesta but keep your friends close by adding them on MSN.

  5. dont listen to this anonymous above never quitting this gaome!


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